Alex on a panel of the German American Conference at Harvard in 2015.
Dr. Alexander Görlach has been invited to speak on a variety of topics in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, India, Mexico, Spain, Scotland, Turkey and the United States of America. He has given lectures, held keynotes and dinner speeches and contributed to panel discussions.
His topics include:
- Islam and the West: Are we indeed facing a "Clash of Civilizations"?
- The cheap tricks of populists: how to decode and combat their rhetoric
- How to save liberal democracy
- Politics and Religion: a never ending story
- The narratives that build our reality: "Brangelina" and the Garden of Eden
- A world full of poets and painters: what will we all do when machines will have taken over?
Send an email if you want to book him for your event. Be prepared to re-imburse travel expenses and accomodation and offer an adequate honorarium.
For references see:
Alex delivering a TEDxTalk on how to save liberal democracy in July 2017.
The threats to liberal democracy and how to save our world order, a conversation with Stephanie Sy at Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs in May 2017.
Alexander Görlach at the Royal Institute Elcano in Madrid, prior to a speech he was invited to give to a group of policymakers and journalists in January of 2017.